Wednesday, March 4, 2009

gender studies.

Interesting how some traits can be so predictable.

After I got a haircut this past Saturday, I thought I would conduct my own mini double-blind experiment (is that even used right?  I don't know, I honestly hate stats).

Basically, I just went to where I had to go without ever mentioning the trip to the salon.

Literally, every single girlfriend I met:
"Oh my god, you cut your hair!"
"Haircut?  It's really cute!"
or something to that extent.

Literally, every single guy friend I met:
" "
(those are purposefully empty quotation marks)

I mean, not one guy.  Not even the more metro ones whom I thought had more hope.

 Really, it's not like it was a measly trim to get rid of the split ends.
It was one of those I-asked-for-two-inches-but-the-korean-ahjummah-just-chopped-off-half-of-my-hair haircuts.
Noticeable, to say the least.

I just read over what I wrote, and I think might need to clarify: I wasn't waiting for a compliment - just an acknowledgement of the difference.  HAHA otherwise I just sound really cocky.

But yes.  
Long story short.
Boys, you fail.


  1. don't blame us boys!! haha we just don't notice.. it's who we are...

    we don't notice the changes in the hair, unless it's seriously like MA-JOR LONG TO SHORT. or if you like pama it and it's super fro'y. we pay more attention to the facial features, or the content of a conversation. at least i dooo.

    haha i enjoy how you write, it's very to the point. and kinda how you talk.

    ps. to answer your question, i'm fasting meat, any flour product, cheese, spicy stuff, fried, greasy or oily stuff. yeah it's kinda nitpicky, but it's for a certain purpose. if you're curious, just askk!


    Yes, they are stupid along with several other s-words; strange, smelly, shekkis.

    That's why they're boys -- they have no interest in details therefore they don't make the effort to even try to be more perceptive than they naturally are not.

    My friend asked me if our small group talks about boys.
    "No," I firmly replied.

    "We talk about MEN."

  3. haha, which means. if a guy does notice: he pays extra particular attention to you. or he's gay.

  4. "It was one of those I-asked-for-two-inches-but-the-korean-ahjummah-just-chopped-off-half-of-my-hair haircuts."

    LOL!!!!!!! aHAHAHAHAAHA omg that has happened to me soooo many times

    apparently theres no word for "Trim" in korean...i asked my mom how to say trim and she was stumped

  5. btw check this site out


  6. because guys look on the inside- at a woman's character. HAHA
